How much is working income tax benefit (WITB) disability supplement for single individuals 2012

This article provides the different working income tax benefit (WITB) disability supplement amounts allowed at different income levels for individuals without an eligible spouse or an eligible dependant for 2012.

These amounts are also applicable to those who were married or living in a common-law relationship but did not have an eligible spouse or an eligible dependant.

Working income: $1,150 or less

WITB disability supplement is 0.

Working income: more than $1,150 but less than $3,090

If adjusted family net income is $17,478 or less, WITB disability supplement is: (working income – $1,150) x 25%.

If adjusted family net income is more than $17,478 but less than $20,712, WITB disability supplement is: (working income – $1,150) x 25% – (adjusted family net income – $17,478) x 15%. If the result is negative, that means WITB disability supplement is 0.

If your adjusted family net income is more than $20,712, WITB disability supplement is 0.

Working income: $3,090 or more

If adjusted family net income is $17,478 or less, WITB supplement is: $485

If adjusted family net income is more than $17,478 but less than $20,712, WITB disability supplement is: $485 – (adjusted family net income – $17,478) x 15%. If the result is negative, that means WITB disability supplement is 0.

If your adjusted family net income is more than $20,712, WITB disability is 0.

What is the working income tax benefit?

Current | 2013 | 2012